Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween 09'

This was Aaliyahs first Halloween, We had a lot of fun and she fall sleep on us. But big sis still got candy for her and well she is helping Aaliyah eat it all too. Here are some pics from Trick or Treating....Enjoy

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New pics of Aaliyah 9 months

This was after we went swimming Aaliyah loves to swim!
Daddy with Aaliyah! I think that she looks like Daddy!

Eatting She loves her Food!

Sis gives a little taste to her all the time!

Pic says it all! Good and Cool!

Some pics of Aaliyah with the family this summer!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just some pictures ofmy family and me!

This was the day mommy and daddy thanked God for me!

This is Daddys side of the family!

Sis and I (She thinks she needs to hold me all the time)

This was all the stuff from the Easter Bunny!

Mommy & me on Easter
Trying to help Daddy color eggs!

4 Month check up

Yesterday I had my 4 month check up! I'm getting so big 12 lbs 2 oz and 22 in long. Had to get my shots dont like them they make me sick. So now mommy has to deal with me. But, I can tell she Loves me.

And that sis of mine will not leave me alone for 5 mins.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Roll Over

After all the hard work everything seems to be paying off! Aaliyah has learned to Roll Over from her Belly to her Back! She is Mommy's little worker!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New things

We have been working with Aaliyah a lot to help her stay on track. This is something new that she has started within the last 2 weeks and our FT is so happy. We have also fell in love with a little doll that she got for easter. She has also found her hands! Im just so happy that she is going so great! Sorry to run you one!

ENT Update

We went to the ENT today because I failed my ABR. Dr. Chi thinks that I have Fluid on my ears. He was hoping that we could go in and put tubes into my ears. But As you all know I have very small ears and that out of the plans for now. I'm to go back in 6 months to see if they have gotten bigger so I can get my tubes if I still need them. Going to repeat my ABR on the 21. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Great News

So yesterday we got some great new Aaliyah might not need to get hearing aids! The Dr. called yesterday and said that when they did the ABR she had a lot of normal reading which is some great new! We just had to deal with the fact of getting them now we might not even have to bother with them!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An Update

So it's been a little bit an Aaliyah is doin so many more things. She is almost 3 months and getting so big! She has started to smile when you talk to her=) She has also started to push up on her legs when you have her up on something! Which shows us great leg support =) She has started to also eat a lot more then just 2 oz ever 4 hours.
We are getting ready to move into our New house this week and Aaliyah is final going to have a room! Im so Happy to get all the cutie little things out for her room.
We are also going to get her fitted for her hearing aids next week! We should have them in about 1 month after that and she will be able to hear the birds. (I think its so sad that she can not hear the great sounds of the birds god mad) Well thats about it to next time!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Heart Check Up

Went to the Heart Dr at Children's and everything looks good. She has a PFO which is normal in a lot of baby most of the time it fixes itself. He don't want to see her back until she is 2 years old. Thanks god I got some good new! =}

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hearing Tested

So today we went to have the ABR test done and they did some other tests when she was sleeping so well!=) On not such a good not we have to take her to get hearing aids. The Cochlea has some problems might be a birth defect. But on a good note she can hear some its not that bad but she will need the hearing aid to help with speech and some other things in life. The one she will not need after she learns how to talk. But the right ear will need a little more help. I'm fine with the fact that she needs them but think that josh is not to sure about the whole thing. And I think the fun thing about them is we can get in all kind colors.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Yesterday we want to see the Genetics was not sure what all they were going to do. When we got into Pittsburgh all the parking was full and we have to ride around for about 30 min until we could get into a parking building. They took us right way and go started. The Dr. said that she looks very good. She is up to 9lbs 7oz and 21 in long. Wow my baby is getting so big. We also go to meet the lady from the DS. She is great and gave us 2 more books to do some reading on. So on a very good note Aaliyah is doing very great. Glad to see that god has kept him hand on here.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nothing new

I feel so alone in the world. Like nobody around me understands the way I feel. I get so down when I think about my baby having DS. How in the world am i going to be o.k.? Im glad that I found the DS Page all the people on it are great and Im uplifted when i read the storys and all the babys/kids are doing great.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


After a very short birth Aaliyah Isabella entered the world at 2:28 pm Jan. 7th 2009. 7lbs 15.7 oz 20 in long. She enter he world blue and no breathing. =(

Mom was having some problems so I was taken to the nursey for the night. Thank God I stopped brathing and needed oxygen and the same thing thursday night. My Dr. came into talk to mom about me and told her that he was doing some tests on me to make sure that everything is ok. But, never told her what he was testing for.

Mom knew but did not want to say anything. Moms Dr. came into talk to her about me and tell her that they where testing for DS. Mom was all alone dad had to go to work. Mom was upset that her new angel had something wrong with.

After a long wait my family got the news on Sat that I did have DS. Nothing is diff. my family still loves me <3.

After a long 5 days and 2 days with out oxygen my mommy and daddy got to take me home.